Bobby's First Time AAPI Gun Owner Story

Early Life in the USA

My parents, brother and I immigrated from China in the early 2000s when I was a little kid. My parents always taught my brother and I that guns are bad and shouldn’t be messed with or even looked at. My parents even tried to shelter us from movies with guns and violence.

Being in Colorado a lot of my friends had guns and I had a friend that is a FFL so I eventually had the opportunity in my young adult years to shoot quite a few guns. However, I didn’t purchase my first gun until recently (in California now).

The AR 15

My first purchase was an AR-15. (custom built by Portside Munitions) The evil, bad AR-15. The “Assault Rifle”-15. AR actually stands for ArmaLite Rifie named after the original manufacture Armalife. The AR is a great defense weapon for the home. It’s much easier to shoot under pressure and with my wife’s rheumatoid it’s nearly impossible to shoot a handgun.

Many factors contributed to my decision to purchase a firearm. Why now? The rise of violent crime from the past year contributed to the decision. Wanting to move out into the country in the near future also contributed to the decision. The major cause for exercising my 2nd amendment right is because I recently learned it’s not the police’s job to protect my family and I. It’s my responsibility to protect the ones I love.

According to, “The purpose of law enforcement in a free society is to promote public safety and uphold the rule of law so that individual liberty may flourish.” The police are here to make sure the freedoms we have in the constitution are protected. Sure, they “protect and serve” but it’s our responsibility as well. I would advise everyone to educate themselves both on the 2nd amendment and gun safety (even if you don’t plan on owning a gun)s.

Bobby's First Firearm a Custom Built AR 15 From Portside Munitions


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