Raphael’s First Time AAPI Gun Story

The Gold Standard

My name is Raphael. I'm a normal guy, with a normal wife and not-so-normal dog. I live in Western New York, and I own an unspecified number of guns. Among them is my first firearm: an AR-15. Generally considered the gold standard of modern sporting rifles, I've owned it for years, and it's been absurdly reliable and enjoyable every second of those years. 

Growing Up

I've always liked guns, but my family never owned any growing up. Too many kids, and they were too good at getting into things. I moved out at 18, and suddenly felt the desire to have some method of defense at my disposal. I had a girlfriend and dog to take care of, and we didn't live in a wonderful neighborhood. I'd done some web development for a local gun shop, and had gotten good vibes, so I stopped by and asked what they recommended I get. I was handed an AR, made by Bushmaster, and tediously modified to comply with New York State law, which seems to have the goal of making a rifle as onerous to operate as possible. 

Lifetime Commitment

I have better options now, but I'm never selling my first gun. It's solid, has sat with me through sleepless nights when there were gunshots on my street, and it's never failed when I needed it. 

In summary: 10/10 would recommend.

Raphael’s first firearm Bushmaster AR15


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