
Showing posts from July, 2021

TIL: Moms Demand Action from White Supremacists?

 Credit to  @Momsatarms  on Twitter. Visit them ; Shannon Watts upset that “non-white men” are starting to exercise their 2A rights Wow. Just wow. What a racist statement. Apparently, it’s “irresponsible“ to highlight facts about  new gun owners and that the largest makeup of them are African Americans. No words, other  than this is quite possibly the most negative racially motivated thing we have caught her saying (other  than this ). Edit: here’s the article Watts is seething over. As you can see, her base (her targeted audience) is waking up to the importance of the 2A: Fits the pattern though, as Everytown (parent organization to Shannon’s org Moms Demands  Action) seems to have a systemic racism problem at their HQ. Take a loo

AAPI GO and Monarch Defense 7/31 Event Safety Information + PODCAST

Brian Wang Host of Monarch Defense Attending our 7/31 AAPI GO and Monarch Safety Community and Live Fire Event? Here are some critically important safety tips to abide by at all times during the event.  Please email us with questions and we look forward to hosting you.  Check out the event details here  and special thank you to Monarch Defense and Byrna for all of your support. Always follow the Four Rules of Gun Safety: 1. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded 2. Never point your gun at anything you are not willing to shoot 3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you are ready to fire 4. Know your target and what is behind it BRING WATER (at least one gallon per person)! This event is at a remote range in the desert in the peak of California summer. Temperatures are expected to hit triple digits. Dress and hydrate accordingly. You are allowed to bring your own firearms, but you must have them unloaded the entire time if you are

Refuting Joe Cotchett’s Talking Points on NBC Bay Area Interview

On June 17th,  NBC News Bay Area  featured Brian Wang, owner of Monarch Defense and co-host of our 7/31 community event, in a debate against Joe Cochett of the Sam Licardo Administration in response to recently passed gun control measures. Brian Wang provided some excellent points and rebuttals, but only so much information can be discussed in the limited format. AAPI GO strongly condemns these measures so we have provided a written response which expands on the seven main points made by Mr. Cotchett below:   Written Response to Joe Cotchett’s Talking Points on NBC Bay Area Interview  The Founding Fathers had no concept of advanced weaponry at the time of writing the Bill of Rights. This is historically ignorant. While AR15s did not exist at the time of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the Founding Fathers -- specifically James Madison, the author of the Second Amendment -- were well aware of the existence of repeating firearms (mainly rifles and some handguns). While uncommon