TIL: Moms Demand Action from White Supremacists?

 Credit to @Momsatarms on Twitter. Visit them

Shannon Watts upset that “non-white men” are starting to exercise their 2A rights

Wow. Just wow. What a racist statement. Apparently, it’s “irresponsible“ to highlight facts about new gun owners and that the largest makeup of them are African Americans. No words, other than this is quite possibly the most negative racially motivated thing we have caught her saying(other than this).https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1414265036122427398?s=21

Edit: here’s the article Watts is seething over. As you can see, her base (her targeted audience) is waking up to the importance of the 2A:https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/anti-gun-gun-owners/ Fits the pattern though, as Everytown (parent organization to Shannon’s org Moms Demands Action) seems to have a systemic racism problem at their HQ. Take a look:
https://www.mom-at-arms.com/post/everytown-s-minority-employees-have-something-to-say https://www.mom-at-arms.com/post/more-internal-trouble-at-everytown-for-gun-safety Watts in her tweet is letting her frustration out on the fact her cause (gun control) is fading and that every day brings new gun owners to the scene, in which non-whites make up the largest demographic. With her frustration, you get a peek into the mind of how these people really feel and what their real goals are. People moving away from their plantation gets them mad.

Whether you like him or not, Malcolm X was right about people like Watts.

Oh, and don’t you dare post on that Watts tweet and call her out, minorities. She’ll (or her Moms Demand Action groupies) report you.......



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