
Showing posts from May, 2021

Curios and Relics License Guide

Source ATF   Curios & Relics A regulation implementing federal firearms laws,  27 CFR § 478.11 , defines  curio or relic (C&R)  firearms as those which are of special interest to collectors by reason of some quality other than is associated with firearms intended for sporting use or as offensive or defensive weapons. To be recognized as C&R items, firearms must fall within one of the following categories: Firearms which were manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date, but not including replicas of such firearms; Firearms which are certified by the curator of a municipal, state, or federal museum which exhibits firearms to be curios or relics of museum interest; and Any other firearms which derive a substantial part of their monetary value from the fact that they are novel, rare, bizarre, or because of their association with some historical figure, period, or event. Frequently asked questions for collectors How to obtain C&R classification Firearms automati

Certificate of Eligibility (COE) License Guide for California

Source California DOJ What is a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)? A “Certificate of Eligibility” certifies the Department of Justice (DOJ) has checked its records and determined the recipient is not prohibited from acquiring or possessing firearms at the time the firearms eligibility criminal background check was performed. A COE is a pre-requisite licensing/permit requirement for all prospective licensed firearms dealers, licensed ammunition vendors, manufacturers, certified instructors, gun show promoters, explosive permit holders, and other firearm related employment activities, including, any agent or employee of a vendor who handles, sells, or delivers firearms and ammunition. The initial COE application process includes a firearms eligibility criminal background check and issuance of a certificate, which is valid for one year. Thereafter, the COE must be renewed annually. A COE can be revoked, at anytime, if the COE holder becomes prohibited from owning/possessing firearms and am

Pre-Attack Behavior of Active Shooters in the US 2000 - 2013

The FBI's Report on Pre-Attack Behavior of Active Shooters in the U.S 2000 - 2013 This report well worth examining in the wake of any mass shooting tragedy. Our hearts go out to the victims of the 5/26/2021 Mass shooting victims in San Jose, CA minutes away from AAPI GO's HQ. Key Takeaways from the Report The  63  active shooters examined in this study did not appear to be uniform in any way such that they  could be readily identified prior to attacking based on demographics alone. Active shooters take time to plan and prepare for the attack, with 77% of the subjects spending a week  or longer planning their attack and 46% spending a week or longer actually preparing (procuring the  means) for the attack. A majority of active shooters obtained their firearms legally, with only very small percentages obtaining a  firearm illegally. The FBI could only verify that 25% of active shooters in the study had ever been diagnosed with a  mental illness. Of those diagnosed, only three had

Malcom's First Time Gun Ownership Story

  Growing Up: Wanting What You Can’t Have I’ve always had a fascination with guns ever since I was a little kid. I loved playing shooting games and watching action/war movies. On top of that, I had cap guns and airsoft guns, went paintballing occasionally with friends, you name it, I probably did it with exception to the real thing. My dad had shot some firearms when he was younger but my mom had absolutely no experience with guns. She was very protective and obviously saw guns as dangerous, so I never even knew they had a gun in the house until I was about 15.  First Time Shooting: Jumping Off the Deep End When I was in high school, my friend invited a group of us to his ranch for the weekend. Growing up in Texas, this wasn’t out of the ordinary. We hung out, did typical country things, and of course, shot some of his grandfather’s guns. This included a .22 bolt action rifle, a 30-06 hunting rifle, an old Winchester lever-action .30-.30 rifle (which to this day is still one of my favo

North Korean Yeonmi Park on Gun Ownership in America

North Korean Refugee Yeonmi Park provides a fantastic Perspective on the 2A from a young woman who has lived through an oppressive regime and realizes just how fundamentally important the second and fourth amendments are. Well worth 10 minutes of your time.

Weekly Discord Discussion 5/19 @ 5:30 PT

We’re having our weekly story meeting and are opening up the floor win case members want to drop in and say hello. If it’s a good discussion up to iTunes it goes if not just join and share your thoughts on safe responsible gun ownership via voice chat. Join Us

AAPI GOcast on CNN


AAPI GOcast is Now Available on iTunes

Find the Podcast On iTunes : Spotify: Google : Instagram: YouTube: Spotify:

Does the Asian American Community Care About the 2A?


Bobby's First Time AAPI Gun Owner Story

Early Life in the USA My parents, brother and I immigrated from China in the early 2000s when I was a little kid. My parents always taught my brother and I that guns are bad and shouldn’t be messed with or even looked at. My parents even tried to shelter us from movies with guns and violence. Being in Colorado a lot of my friends had guns and I had a friend that is a FFL so I eventually had the opportunity in my young adult years to shoot quite a few guns. However, I didn’t purchase my first gun until recently (in California now). The AR 15 My first purchase was an AR-15. (custom built by Portside Munitions ) The evil, bad AR-15. The “Assault Rifle”-15. AR actually stands for ArmaLite Rifie named after the original manufacture Armalife. The AR is a great defense weapon for the home. It’s much easier to shoot under pressure and with my wife’s rheumatoid it’s nearly impossible to shoot a handgun. Many factors contributed to my decision to purchase a firearm. Why now? The rise of viole

Raphael’s First Time AAPI Gun Story

The Gold Standard My name is Raphael. I'm a normal guy, with a normal wife and not-so-normal dog. I live in Western New York, and I own an unspecified number of guns. Among them is my first firearm: an AR-15 . Generally considered the gold standard of modern sporting rifles, I've owned it for years, and it's been absurdly reliable and enjoyable every second of those years.  Growing Up I've always liked guns, but my family never owned any growing up. Too many kids, and they were too good at getting into things. I moved out at 18, and suddenly felt the desire to have some method of defense at my disposal. I had a girlfriend and dog to take care of, and we didn't live in a wonderful neighborhood. I'd done some web development for a local gun shop, and had gotten good vibes, so I stopped by and asked what they recommended I get. I was handed an AR, made by Bushmaster, and tediously modified to comply with New York State law, which seems to have the goal of making a

Eugene's First AAPI Gun Ownership Story

  First Shots I wanted to share my short story about buying my first gun. Back at the start of 2019, I turned 21 and bought my first ever firearm; an  S&W M&P 2.0 . Personal Safety I  live in a city  and know that my safety is up to me, and being an Asian-American, I knew I could be more targeted for it. I went to one of the only Federal  Firearms  Licensees (FFL) in the city, completed my 4473 (federal background check form), and went home with my brand new pistol. It isn’t that interesting of a tale, but I felt like sharing. Change of Heart I was very anti-gun when I was younger, but as I got older and became more aware of the world, my stance on it started to shift. Now I am very pro-gun and I try to get all of my friends into firearms, if not owning them, at least to enjoy shooting them with me. Want to share your first AAPI Gun Ownership Story? DM on Social Media or email us at and we may feature your story on the next episode of the AAPI GOcast.

Taser Taser Taser for when you can't CCW

If you live in a state like Caliornia or New York Concealed Carry Permits (or CCW) are often "may issue". Plus there are other factors for why someone may not feel comfortable with the enormous responsibility of carrying a firearm. Enter the Taser 7 CQ   For More Videos of the Taser 7 CQ in Action Like and Subscribe to their Youtube Channel


About Scott’s First Firearm So a little about me and how I got into firearm ownership, education and advocacy. Well its a funny story and you can read all about it on award winning Washington Free Beacon Journalist Stephen Gutowskis site The but suffice it to say I didn’t grow up in a gun owning household and went 38 years before I purchased my first firearm. My family’s safety or lack thereof due to a rise in Asian hate crimes brought me down this path: that’s my beautiful daughter above and I would do anything to ensure she doesn’t have to grow up in a world where she needs to be afraid of random attacks just because of 50% of her DNA. Speaking of childhood, Dad had an old Mossberg shotgun locked up and we were told not to touch it, I shot bee bees a few times, did paint ball a few times growing up and of course; as a child of the 90’s, my brother and I had a ton of super unsafe Intertech squirt guns and such that basically had no orange tip etc. Glad I made it out alive!

AAPI GOcast Audience Member Jordan’s First Gun

Afghanistan I was never into firearms before my time in the Army. (2010-2014) during Afghanistan, I was attached to (ODA, Special Forces group) for a few days to help them with communications and one of the (E5s) let me shoot his personal Glock 17 , which was way lighter than the issued (Beretta) M9 . I fell in love with that. Homefront When we returned to Fort Carson , my battle buddy from my squad in 1/67 AR 4th ID took me to the PX and we tried different handguns. I’m from California with zero firearms experience and my buddy was from Idaho and had been hunting his whole life. I’m from Bayview-Hunters point area in San Francisco. I knew I was getting out of the Army so I wanted to bring one home. For those who aren’t too familiar with the Bayview area of San Francisco- it is one of higher crime rated areas alongside the Tenderlion area, as well as the Fillmore area. Many people mistake San Francisco for being an all tourist city, while instead we house most of America’s homeless

AAPI GO is Changing

Why AAPIGO LLC? AAPI GO LLC   is nonpartisan and no longer affiliated with Our purpose  is to educate and to promote and support safe responsible personal defense and firearm advocacy in the AAPI Community.  We believe in safe responsible gun ownership and less than lethal options and seek to be a community driven resource: you the appi community are our superpower. AAPI GOcast is spinning off from but our mission remains the same their focus is education only: ours is advocacy and action. A ll previously cancelled events are now officially reactivated on Join Us! By Registering Please Consider a membership as 5% of all donations will go to support victims of #aapihate in the San Francisco Bay Area.